
عرض المشاركات من مايو, ٢٠٢٢

أعلام تركوا مذهب الشيعة وأصبحوا من أهل السنة والجماعة

  أعلام تركوا مذهب الشيعة وأصبحوا من أهل السنة والجماعة   قاتل اهل السنة أعلام المتسننين ممن عرفوا طريق الحق وأنتفضوا له لله درهم ولم يسيروا خلف موروث ليدافعوا عنه من دون الله فنسأل   الله للجميع البصيرة كما رزقها أخوان من كبار علماء الشيعة آ ية الله العظمى السيد أبو الفضل إبن الرضا البرقعي آية الله العظمى السيد أبو الفضل إبن الرضا البرقعي من سلالة الحسين رضي الله عنه. كان من أقران الخميني، بل أعلى مرجعية منه في مذهب الشيعة. خرج من التشيع و أعلن السنة في عهد الشاه . هو من أهل قم و قد أقام أجداده منذ ثلاثين جيلاً فيهاً، و كان جدّه الأعلى موسى المبرقع ابن الإمام محمد التقي بن سيدنا على بن موسى الرضا -عليه السلام- و قد وفد إلى قم و قبره الآن مشهور في قم. و لأن نسبه يصل إلى موسى المبرقع فيقال له البرقعي و لأنه يصل الى سيدنا الرضى سلسلة نسبه و شجرة عائلته كما وردت في كتب الأنساب . طلب العلم فى قم عند آية الله الشيخ عبد الكريم الحائري اليزدي و آية الله حجت كوه كمره اى، و آية الله السيد أبو الحسن الاصفهاني و الحاج الشيخ محمد علي القمي و ميرزا محمد السامرائي و الحاج ا...

The children of Syria and the children of Ukraine who were killed by Putin

  The children of Syria and the children of Ukraine who were killed by Putin Reports on Ukraine According to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, as a result of the Ruspa War in Ukraine, 450 children have been killed and 2,000 injured since the outbreak of the war on February 24, 2022. However, these numbers represent only the reports that the United Nations has been able to verify, and the actual losses are likely to be much higher. Three months of war in Ukraine has displaced 4.3 million children - more than half of the country's estimated 7.5 million children. This includes more than 1.8 million children who have crossed the border into neighboring countries as refugees, and 2.5 million children who have become displaced within Ukraine. The war has also had devastating consequences for civilian infrastructure and access to basic services Ten years after Putin's war on the Syrian people 350,000 children were killed with various weapons ...

Abortion deprives the fetus of the right to life That is why abortion

مجازر فرنسا فى الجزائر     Abortion deprives the fetus of the right to life That is why abortion is not a woman’s right, as the fetus has the right to life         Women’s rights in Islam Women’s rights to life All humanity. Retribution is required for the intentional killing of an innocent soul by the infanticide Young to a girl who has reached the age of majority. In this, both men and women are equal Retribution is ordered unanimously (See: Ahkam al-Qur’an by Ibn Arabi (1/63)). Women's right toEligibility refers to the practice of civil affairs, such as concluding contracts, rescinding them, and contracting companies. Carrying out trade, agency, power of attorney, filing lawsuits, etc. I'm alone Islamic law about laws in order for women to take their civil rights, which got It's the man. Such as buying and selling, concluding and rescinding contracts, filing lawsuits, and trusting And trust. Nothing is required for the validit...