The Prophet of God, Jesus, and the conversion of his religion that he brought to worship the sun


The Prophet of God, Jesus, and the conversion of his religion that he brought to worship the sun


Constantine the Great and his role in introducing sun worship into the modern Christian religion


The Roman Emperor Constantine the Great was the high priest of sunflowers, which is the religion of his state. There was a great spread of Christianity, and the number of Christians doubled since the crucifixion of Christ (as they believe) three centuries ago, and Christians and pagans began to fight, which threatened Rome with disintegration and division. Constantine saw that a decision should be taken in this regard, so he decided to unite Rome under one banner, which is the Christian religion

Constantine did not choose Christianity because he was convinced of it or something like that, but because he believed that the future would be for Christianity and decided to bet on the winning Persians.


Constantine cleverly managed to create a hybrid religion, between Christianity and paganism, by incorporating pagan symbols, histories and rituals into the new Christian traditions and customs

The traces of pagan religion in Christian symbols are very clear and undeniable. The Egyptian sun discs became the halos that surrounded the heads of Catholic saints, and the figurative symbols of "Isis" cuddling and nursing her miraculous child "Horus" became the basis for modern images of the Virgin Mary embracing the infant Christ. Elements of Catholic rituals such as the tiara, altar, praise, communion, and the rite of "God's food" are all taken from ancient pagan religions.

There is nothing original in the Christian religion. The pre-Christian Persian deity "Mithra", for example, who was also called the Son of God and the Light of the World, was born on the twenty-fifth of December and when he died he was buried in a stone tomb and was resurrected three days later. The 25th of December is also the birthday of Osiris, Adonis and Dionysus.


Even the weekly holiday in Christianity took from the pagans sunflowers. The Christians worshiped the Lord on the same day as the Jews, i.e. Saturday, but Constantine changed it to coincide with the day on which the pagans worship the sun [Sunday] or the day of the sun

During this process of merging religions, Constantine convened the meeting of the Nicaea Council, named after the city of Nicaea. At this meeting the manifestations of Christianity were discussed and voted on, such as the day of celebration of Easter, the role of bishops and the administration of the Sacraments, and the divinity of Christ, where they proposed the idea that Christ was the Son of God, which they considered necessary to consolidate unity in the Roman Empire and to establish the new base of authority for the Vatican . By formally recognizing Christ as the Son of God, Constantine transformed Christ into a god above the human realm, putting an end to pagan challenges to Christianity, and because of this, Christ's followers can now only be freed from sin by a new sacred method, the Roman Catholic Church.

The early church stole Christ from his original followers by confiscating his human message and placing it in an impenetrable aura of false divinity that they exploited to expand their influence.


But there were thousands of documents that recorded the life of Jesus as a mortal. Constantine needed a bold blow to rewrite history, so he ordered and financed a new gospel. In it, he abolished the gospels that spoke of the human features of Christ and decorated those that showed Christ with divine attributes, and the first gospels were forbidden and burned.


Those who preferred the old gospels to Constantine's version were accused of heresy, and the word heretic dates back to that moment in history, as the Latin word haereticus means choice. So those who chose the original date of Christ were the first heretics in history.

Some of the gospels that Constantine wanted to burn survived. The Dead Sea documents were found in 1950 hidden in a cave near Qumran in the Negev desert. Coptic documents were also found in 1945 at the Hammadi oasis. Those documents spoke of Christ as a human being. The Vatican tried hard, as usual, to hide the truth and mislead people. It tried to prevent the publication of these documents, but in fact the men of the Vatican in the modern period have become deeply believers in the divinity of Christ and that the documents are nothing but forged documents, they have become worshiping the gods of his fathers.

The great. It was also so dangerous in its content that the Church would do anything at all to obtain it.


And the members of the brotherhood made a vow to themselves that they would obtain these documents from under the stones of the temple sooner or later in order to preserve and protect them forever so that the truth would never die.


To achieve this goal, the members of the brotherhood established a military division, a group of nine knights who called themselves the "Brotherhood of the Knights of Christ and the Temple of the Poor Solomon", known as the "Knights of the Temple

A common mistake is the belief that the Knights Templar were found to protect the Holy Land, and the idea of ​​protecting the pilgrims was the cover under which the Knights worked to achieve their goal of recovering documents from the ruins of the temple.


The Knights were in the Holy Land through the Second Crusade, and they told King Baldwin II that they were there to protect the pilgrims on the way. Although they did not get any financial return for the mission for their oath to remain poor, they asked the king for permission to live in the stables under the ruins of the temple, and the king agreed

Their choice was not at all random, they were completely confident that the required documents were buried deep under the rubble in a room under the Holy of Holies where it is believed that the Lord Himself resides. This room was the center of the Jewish religion. The Nine Knights lived for nine years digging the deaf rock in complete secrecy.


The knights found what they were looking for, then took the treasure and traveled with it to Europe, where their influence became vast and their wealth became obscene overnight.

No one knows if the Knights blackmailed the Vatican or if the Church bought their silence, but what is certain is that Pope Innocent II immediately took an unprecedented step, by issuing a papal decree giving the Knights Templar unlimited power and declaring their own laws and that they were a military force with With complete autonomy away from the interference of kings and bishops, that is, they are religiously and politically independent.

Thanks to this absolute power, the Knights Templar greatly expanded in number and political power, and amassed numerous lands and possessions in more than a dozen countries. And they began to extend loans to bankrupt kings with the imposition of interest on them, which led to an increase in their wealth and influence more and more, and thus they were the core of the modern banking system

By the year 1300 AD, Vatican law had enabled the Knights to muster so great that Pope Clement V decided they had to put an end to them. In coordination with King Philip IV of France, he planned a brilliant operation to crush the Knights Templar and seize their treasure.


With a dangerous military maneuver, the Pope issued secret orders sealed to be opened by his soldiers at the same time throughout Europe on Friday the thirteenth of October in the year 1307 AD.

At dawn on the thirteenth day, the documents were opened and their horrific content was revealed. Clement claimed in his letter that the Lord visited him in a dream and warned him that the Knights Templar are criminal heretics who worship Satan, homosexuals, disdain the cross, and other infidel behaviors. And the Lord asked the Pope to cleanse the earth from them by arrest

and torture them until they confess their crimes against the Lord.


Pope Machiavellian process was carried out to the letter. On that day countless knights were captured, tortured mercilessly, and finally burned on pillars like heretics and witches. The echoes of this tragedy are reflected today in modern civilization, where Friday, which falls on the thirteenth of the month, is considered a bad day.

Some of the knights who had powerful allies managed to escape from the clutches of the Vatican, which almost killed them. The real goal that Clement wanted to achieve, which was to obtain the treasure, which consisted of a set of documents that constituted the source of their power, was not achieved. He could not obtain it as the documents were in the custody of the mysterious architects of the Knights Templar, the Brotherhood of Sion whose members were shrouded in complete secrecy that kept them safe from the massacre of the Vatican. And when the Knights closed in on the Knights Templar, members of the fraternity surreptitiously smuggled documents under cover of night from the Knights' headquarters in Paris on board their ships in La Rochelle. And no one knows where she went after that except the members of the association, but it is said that she is

She has moved between many places and she is currently in the United Kingdom. Over the course of a thousand years, legends were passed on about this secret, the complete set of documents, the reason for its strength and the secrets it reveals, all of which became called the sole name of the Sangreal, the word about which hundreds of books were written and which was the most controversial topic among historians. This word has recently been split into two words, San Grail, which means the Holy Grail



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